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重庆丘陵山区参考作物蒸散量的确定及气候影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于重庆市北碚区2001—2011年气象资料,采用Penman-Monteith公式计算ET0,分析了3种不同太阳辐射(Rs)计算方法所得ET0的差异性,并利用相关性和敏感性分析方法分析气象因子对ET0的影响。结果表明,研究区2001—2011年年内各月ET0呈抛物线变化,年内ET0最大值出现在7月和8月,最小值出现在1月和12月;不同Rs计算方法是引起ET0和辐射项(ET0(rad))差异的主要原因,但差异不显著;研究区ET0主要由空气动力学项(ET0(aero))贡献;最高温度、最高相对湿度和最低相对湿度是研究区ET0的3个最主要的影响因子;采用Pen-man-Monteith公式计算研究区ET0时,建议采用Hargreaves公式计算Rs。  相似文献   
建立能够准确描述所研究问题的计算域是CFD数值计算顺利进行的基础,且计算城的光顺程度还会影响网格划分的难易及网格生成的质量.借助Pro/E Wildfire 5.0三维造型软件,采用不同的造型方法对离心泵全流场计算域的各过流部件进行三维造型,且在相同的网格类型与间距情况下,对比分析不同造型方法对网格划分难易程度、生成网格的质量以及网格生成效率的影响,确定离心泵叶片、叶轮水体、蜗壳水体及腔体的最优造型方法并分析了不同造型方法出现差异的原因.  相似文献   
该文提出了可应用于农田的肥料控释装置方案设计,此装置由肥料主管道和养分释放分管道组成,选取天然、半天然高分子材料壳聚糖和果胶作为释放分管道的胶粘物质,在实验室条件下检测了其控释效果,结果表明:养分主要呈线性释放,装置具有良好控释效果.利用Fick第一扩散定律和欧姆定律模拟了装置养分的释放,结果表明:养分的释放主要受扩散系数或物阻率、扩散面积、胶粘物质厚度等因素影响.该模型表明,养分是呈线性释放的,和实测结果相一致,并由此计算出了胶粘物质的控释参数:扩散系数或物阻率,为实际应用提供了理论基础.  相似文献   
基于移动趋势面的降水面雨量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析现有面雨量计算方法及降水站点相互关系的基础上,采用移动趋势面分析法对已知站点降水进行拟合,建立区域降水三维模型。并通过某地区62个雨量站点的年降雨量进行了实例演示,通过比较已知站点实际降雨量和拟合降雨量,发现最大相对误差为8%,平均相对误差为5.1%,不仅满足实际需要,而且形象直观地反映该地区降水量变化趋势。  相似文献   
The agroecosystem models THESEUS and OPUS were tested with data obtained from three agricultural experimental field plots on sandy soils without groundwater located at the moraine landscape in East Brandenburg, Germany. At each of these plots, a separate agricultural management practice was applied. Measurements of soil water contents, pressure heads, above‐ground crop biomass, and crop yield from these three plots were compared with the corresponding simulation results of both models. The comparisons of simulated with measured outputs were analyzed using the modeling‐efficiency index IA. According to these analyses, both models simulated adequately the time courses of volumetric soil water contents and above‐ground crop biomass, but the time courses of pressure heads were predicted with a lower quality by both models. As for the pressure heads, the yields simulated with both models showed greater discrepancies in comparison with the observed ones. This indicates the need of a site‐specific parameter calibration of the crop‐growth modules, especially for that included in OPUS .  相似文献   
潘贤章  赵其国 《土壤学报》2005,42(2):194-198
长期以来,由于历史数据的缺乏,很难获得解放后我国城市扩展的完整过程。本研究在遥感、地理信息系统技术支持下,采用7个时期的航空图片和卫星数据,分别对宜兴市194 9、196 6、1981、1984、1992、1996和2 0 0 0年的城区范围和耕地被占用情况进行监测。结果表明,5 0多年来宜兴城区面积从1 5km2 扩展到13 5km2 ,翻了3番多;城市扩展过程呈现两个阶段,即194 9~1984年的缓慢扩展阶段和1985~2 0 0 0年的快速扩展阶段,前一阶段年均扩展速度仅3% ,而后一阶段年均扩展速度达到2 1% ;各个时期城市扩展占用的土地中90 %以上是高质量的耕地,表明城市扩展成为耕地流失的主要因素之一。相关分析显示,城市扩展与工业发展关系最密切,工业发展为城区扩展提供了动力,而城区面积与第三产业比重的相关系数在三个产业中是最高的,表明宜兴城区成为该县第三产业的主要聚集地。从空间扩展过程来看,宜兴城区1984年以前沿着老城区零散填充式扩展,此后沿着公路快速扩展,并逐渐呈块状填充式扩展。由于宜兴处于苏南水网发达地区,水系严重制约了城市扩展的方向,而道路和桥梁建设则导引城市扩展方向  相似文献   
有机磷农药与小麦酯酶作用关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究以小麦为植物酯酶的酶源,α-乙酸萘酯为底物,考察了小麦酯酶与有机磷农药之间作用的关系,建立了10个以吸光值变化表示的酶活性与有机磷农药浓度对数之间的线性方程,并确定了函数的单调区间和极值。  相似文献   
Climate change may cause shifts in the natural range of species especially for those that are geographically restricted and/or endemic species. In this study, the spatial distribution of five endemic and threatened species belonging to the genus Onosma (including O. asperrima, O. bisotunensis, O. kotschyi, O. platyphylla, and O. straussii) was investigated under present and future climate change scenarios: RCP2.6 (RCP, representative concentration pathway; optimistic scenario) and RCP8.5 (pessimistic scenario) for the years 2050 and 2080 in Iran. Analysis was conducted using the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to provide a basis for the protection and conservation of these species. Seven environmental variables including aspect, depth of soil, silt content, slope, annual precipitation, minimum temperature of the coldest month, and annual temperature range were used as main predictors in this study. The model output for the potential habitat suitability of the studied species showed acceptable performance for all species (i.e., the area under the curve (AUC)>0.800). According to the models generated by MaxEnt, the potential current patterns of the species were consistent with the observed areas of distributions. The projected climate maps under optimistic and pessimistic scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, respectively) of 2050 and 2080 resulted in reductions and expansions as well as positive range changes for all species in comparison to their current predicted distributions. Among all species, O. bisotunensis showed the most significant and highest increase under the pessimistic scenario of 2050 and 2080. Finally, the results of this study revealed that the studied plant species have shown an acute adaptability to environmental changes. The results can provide useful information to managers to apply appropriate strategies for the management and conservation of these valuable Iranian medicinal and threatened plant species in the future.  相似文献   
The volumetric variability of dry tropical forests in Brazil and the scarcity of studies on the subject show the need for the development of techniques that make it possible to obtain adequate and accurate wood volume estimates. In this study, we analyzed a database of thinning trees from a forest management plan in the Contendas de Sincorá National Forest, southwestern Bahia State, Brazil. The data set included a total of 300 trees with a trunk diameter ranging from 5 to 52 cm. Adjustments, validation and statistical selection of four volumetric models were performed. Due to the difference in height values for the same diameter and the low correlation between both variables, we do not suggest models which only use the diameter at breast height (DBH) variable as a predictor because they accommodate the largest estimation errors. In comparing the best single entry model (Hohenald-Krenn) with the Spurr model (best fit model), it is noted that the exclusion of height as a predictor causes the values of 136.44 and 0.93 for Akaike information criterion (AIC) and adjusted determination coefficient (R2 adj), which are poorer than the second best model (Schumacher-Hall). Regarding the minimum sample size, errors in estimation (root mean square error (RMSE) and bias) of the best model decrease as the sample size increases, especially when a larger number of trees with DBH≥15.0 cm are randomly sampled. Stratified sampling by diameter class produces smaller volume prediction errors than random sampling, especially when considering all trees. In summary, the Spurr and Schumacher-Hall models perform better. These models suggest that the total variance explained in the estimates is not less than 95%, producing reliable forecasts of the total volume with shell. Our estimates indicate that the bias around the average is not greater than 7%. Our results support the decision to use regression methods to build models and estimate their parameters, seeking stratification strategies in diameter classes for the sample trees. Volume estimates with valid confidence intervals can be obtained using the Spurr model for the studied dry forest. Stratified sampling of the data set for model adjustment and selection is necessary, since we find significant results with mean error square root values and bias of up to 70% of the total database.  相似文献   
利用广东高要和广西扶绥两地14个2~10年生桉树林分样地共287株样木,研究短轮伐期桉树人工林个体林木特征指标,并比较现有广西良种桉二元带皮和去皮材积公式估算个体林木材积的准确性,分析不同年龄、林分和径阶林木的出材率。结果表明:带皮和去皮林木的胸高形数为0.504±0.004 2和0.529±0.004 4、实验形数为0.410±0.002 4和0.427±0.002 7、形率为0.657±0.003 4和0.690±0.003 6、高径比为1.22±0.017和1.43±0.019。用广西良种桉二元带皮和去皮材积公式估算单株林木带皮和去皮材积与实际材积高度相关(r>0.99),但估算值普遍偏低,平均分别小3.7%和21.0%;尤以用带皮材积公式估算去皮材积比用去皮材积公式估计要准确,平均只小2.3%。如以6年生以上样地和尾径4 cm以上的去皮林木为实际出材,5个相关样地林分平均出材率为(73.3±4.31)%,最小为54.6%,最大为81.5%。  相似文献   
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